Balit Durn Durn Centre vision for our children and families

Balit Durn Durn Centre’s (The Centre) vision is that our children grow up physically, emotionally, spiritually and culturally strong, live in safe and caring environments within their own families and communities, and are afforded the same life opportunities available to all children and young people to achieve their full potential regardless of where they are born.

Our children have the right to a bright, healthy, and powerful future — a future that is shaped by their own aspirations and unquestionable potential, rather than entrenched disadvantage and low expectations. Our children deserve an equitable chance to grow up well, thrive, and achieve their best hopes for their life.

Our families have the right to raise our children in culture, Community, and in Aboriginal kinship structures, free from judgment and parenting expectations based on Western notions of child-rearing.

Our families deserve to be set up for parenting success before birth and have access to culturally strong, safe, and responsive Aboriginal and mainstream health and wellbeing services that build on our strengths and enable healing.

Our families have the right to participate in – and have control over – decisions that affect our children and our lives.

Read our Call for Action here.