A message from the Executive Director
We are excited to have launched the Balit Durn Durn Centre in May 2022. The Centre will play a critical role in ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) is understood and embedded in service delivery. We will also provide the ongoing support to our SEWB workforce so that they can continue to provide the high quality, safe service delivery and support within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Victoria.
This will be a central and coordinated point in regards to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander SEWB in Victoria.The purpose of this site is to bring together our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander SEWB community in Victoria and provide opportunities in learning and development and knowledge sharing.
There is a lot happening in the mental health reform space. In particular some exciting new developments to expand SEWB team coverage, co-designing a healing centre service model and the co-design of a new statewide SEWB service for infants and children.
Watch this space for updates and how you may get involved in key initiatives of the Centre for 2022/23
- Sheree LoweQuick Links
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For Our Children and Families – Call for Action
Balit Durn Durn Centre vision for our children and families Balit Durn Durn Centre’s (The Centre) vision is that our children grow up physically, emotionally, spiritually and culturally strong, live in safe and caring environments within their own families and communities, and are afforded the same life opportunities available to all children and young people to achieve their full potential regardless … Read More
learn moreBalit Durn Durn Submission into Youth Justice and Child Wellbeing Reform across Australia
VACCHO and the Balit Durn Durn Centre submitted a response to the Human Rights Commission’s call for Youth Justice reform across Australia. Some key recommendations we made in the submission include: Invest in early years and families to reduce the number of children in Out of Home Care Ensure ongoing connection to Culture, Community and Aboriginal Community-Controlled services Provide a … Read More
1 June 2023 In late May, VACCHO’s Balit Durn Durn Centre gathered a group of 40 Community leaders and knowledge holders from across the child and family sector on Wurundjeri Country in Healesville to kick off the co-design of an intensive social and emotional wellbeing service model for infants, children, and families. Under Recommendation 33.4 of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System it … Read More
The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) was honoured to launch the Balit Durn Durn Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing at Federation Square yesterday.
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